Wednesday, 30 January 2013



终于终于终于,一月终于到了尾声!大部分华人都 非常非常非常,很很很,八分九分十分期待的二月终于来啦!!到底是什么日子 让大家那么期待呢?当然是 华人农历新年啦!! =D 家人,亲戚,姨妈,姑姐,三叔公,六叔婆,二审,表姑 等等 一起相聚的一天 终于来临了!期待,期待,期待!! ^^

想到还有6天就要回 limpek 家乡, KT !哇,sipek 的兴奋! 哈哈哈。。好想家!5个月没见家里的爸妈,哥哥和妹妹了。还有那些一年只见一次的亲戚们, 不晓得他们都变成怎样了?高了,矮了,肥了,瘦了,扁了,歪了,还是发财了!!哈哈哈。。距离农历新年 已经变成一个位数了,9天!!财神到~恭喜恭喜啊恭喜你~

只有28天的二月,真不晓得它会是怎样的一个月?明天就正式成为了CDP!那份负担就要扛上肩膀上了。而且酒店就快要装修好了,还有一个月。不晓得会变成怎样?还真多不晓得,也不晓得今年的新年会不会发财!? 大赌大赢,小赌小赢,大赌小赢,祖宗显灵,如果小赌大赢的话,就千万不要停,头奖马上降临!! 哈哈哈哈。。。。。。。。

好吧,就大家一起倒数,华人农历新年的到临吧!9天,就只剩9天!春到,福到,缘到,财到,HUAT 啊!!!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Excited !!


Look at the weather, sunny day ! Just a great weather for me today, and I hope it won't rain later, as I got something really really important thing to do later ! :D

After living in this wonderful world for 25 years, today is the first time I'm going to step in the car's show room to looking for my "future second wife" !! XD hahahah... excited excited !! People sure will ask, what car are you going to buy ? shhhhhh.... secret ! :X Maybe next month you will know what's the answer.. hahaha.. 

Another thing that I feel excited is................... banyak duit mau pakai wo !!!!!!!!!! OMG ! pening pening.. worry about car loan, insurance, need to help the car make up 扮靓靓, plate number, down payment, tinted, and many many more.. huh... It's all about MONEY ! One day you'll know how it feels like.. LOL

People always said, 世上只有妈妈好.. mummy always think for their children more than herself.. When my mummy know I wanna buy car, she called me and asked.. what car you wanna buy ? then discuss with me.. and the last thing she said before she hang off the phone.. " see if you need money for down payment, mummy here got.. " OMG ! T.T to touch! and brother and girlfriend also help me to do survey about those cars, telling me details, giving advice and so on.. every time you having problem, no matter what problem is that, your family sure will standing beside you and giving support ! That's the power of 亲情 <3 

Can't wait to bring my future second wife home ! Hopefully everything go smooth, pray for me, god bless ! :D

Thursday, 17 January 2013

2013年,美好的开始 Y(^_^)Y


今天呢,本来就打算吃了午餐, 呆在家里Facebook,上网看戏, 玩游戏, 更新部落格的。。
突然,我的大佬chef 打了通电话来。。 叫我等下晚上做夜班 能不能?我吓了一跳。。 就问他。。真的?(o.O) 然后 他就很严肃的 回答, 是的。。 有人mc。。 我就把他当真了。。 后来他既然跟我说, 和你开玩笑的啦。。 后来叫我立刻去hotel, 叫我签我升值的表格!!哇哈哈哈哈!!!高兴死我啦!!!Y(^_^)Y 然后就直接换个衣服, 冲着去签了 XD

到了hotel后, 见到我的老大。。他都吓了一跳。。 哇!好快哦你。。 然后我回答。。哈哈哈哈。。当然快啦, 升值嘛! :P 然后就签了升 Chef De Partie 的表格 :D 也许很多人都不清楚, Chef De Partie 是什么东东吧?哈哈哈。。没关系, 等limpek来 随随便便的解释 :X

每一间餐厅/酒店的厨房 都会有 一个渣fit人。 如果是餐厅的话, 就不会有 Executive Chef 的出现, 而最大的就是 Sous Chef. 我就来说说 酒店的吧。。毕竟还是在酒店工作 :) 

Executive Chef
Executive Sous Chef
Chef De Cuisine
Senior Sous Chef
Sous Chef
Junior Sous Chef
Chef De Partie
Demi Chef
Commis 1
Commis 2
Commis 3

以上就是酒店厨房的排行榜啦~ 不同的酒店, 有不同的职位。。 而Hilton呢, 是没有 Senior Sous Chef, Demi Chef 和 Commis 3 的存在。。 

我在 Hilton KL 效劳了 3年1个月又10天。。终于, 拿到了 Chef De Partie 这个荣誉。。 真的真的好开心!!! :D lalalalala ~ 哈哈哈哈哈。。怎么说, 我也算是个 Chef 了吧 ;) 有没有替我高兴咧?有的话, 谢谢啦~ :D 不过呢, 高兴是高兴, 职位越高, 压力当然会也跟着增加。。 老大不在的话。。我就是“话事人” 。。 肩膀上的负担, 又多了几kg。。 恐怕应付不来 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 
不过就对自己说,反正都接受了这个挑战, 就坚持的把它做好吧!人嘛, 总要向前(钱) 看啊!! 对不?总不能停在原地吧? 不然几时才当老大啊! 哈哈。。 就告诉自己, 你一定行地!!加油吧德伟!! :] 总算没辜负 父母对我的期望, 花了几十千, 送我到KDU去读书。。 今天的我, 可以跟他们说。。 daddy mummy.. 你儿子我终于有 Chef 这个title 啦!!! (T.T)
希望以后的路会是更好的路, 就算在艰难, 有你们的支持,我还是走下去的 :) 祝我好运吧!
新的一年, 新的开始, 新的希望, 新年快乐啦!!! :D

P/S: 距离华人新年还有24天, 好期待, 好期待! =^_^=


Wednesday, 9 January 2013

慵懒的一天 (-.-)zzz


打开部落格之后的第三个post, 既然是懒惰的一天!哈哈。。
休息了5天, 明天终于要回到一个 要东奔西跑,手忙脚乱,人山人海,车水马龙,
水泄不通,忙碌的大酒店 工作啦!!!一个字 懒!:X 所以先不用多说,
来听首来自Bruno Mars 的歌, 懒惰歌!!

哈哈哈。。怎样?有没有很懒惰的 feel ? 
Today I don't feel like doing anything ~ da da da la la la ~ 
人啊,都是希望有不劳而获的东西 发生在自己的身上。 因为什么?就因为 咯!!
只想吃喝玩乐睡, 不必做工那就更好。如果有个多啦A梦, 那该多好啊!
从小就时常幻想, 如果我是大雄,多好啊! 有只机器猫 帮你,做功课, 
用个任意门 就能环游世界, 不必坐 AIRASIA 啦!
不过醒醒吧 阿伟,没有an neh hor kang 的东西的啦!哈哈哈
人就是有时要幻想下, 疏解压力嘛,哈哈哈哈哈!

想到明天要开工了, 有很多的 , 不过也有点兴奋啦。。
可以回去跟队友并肩作战啦!哈哈。。说到厨房好像很危险将 :X
等下啊,就懒惰煮饭了 (^.^)v 今天Kuchai 有夜市咧,去吃个饱咯!!
炸鸡, 炒果条,爱玉冰,台湾香肠,等等。。
哇。。。。。。想到都流口水了 XD

好呗,懒得写下去了。。今天就到此为止啦~ 去夜市 jiak ba ba lor :D

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


又是个无聊的休息╮(╯▽╰)╭ 开blog以来的第2个post,我的 " 哎呀女儿 "跟我说 他晚上要我交功课,bo bian 啦。。做个好老爸,别让女儿失望啊。。p/s : 我这个老豆还算不赖嘛?( ̄ˇ ̄)

今天来玩煮家饭咯~ 时常外头吃, 味精多, 吃多了不好吧。 所以咧, 还是自己煮比较好吧 :D
 问题来了, 煮simik 东东呢? dang dang dang dang ~~!!! 就来个 充满爱心, 少盐, 无味精的 ABC罗宋汤呗 ! :D

da lang ~~~!!!! 虽然卖相不是很好看啦。。怎么说也是个未成品 :X 赶着放上blog 就kao kao kei kei , 随随便便, cin cin cai cai 拍了放上来 :P hahahhaha.. 不过这些都不是要点啦。。重要的是味道, 你们想象下, 5星级酒店的厨师,长得帅,心地又好,煮的食物。。一锅充满爱心的汤, 无味精,少盐。。多温馨, 多健康啊! └(^o^)┘ 哈哈哈哈哈哈。。果然还真不要脸 :X 唉,人就是这样啦,要对自己有信心, 时不时要自己夸夸自己, 告诉自己。。 就算没人懂的欣赏我,还有我自己嘛 (^.^)v

对我来说 烹饪是种乐趣, 有些人为了钱而工作,有些人为了梦想而工作, 有些人就不知什么事  不为钱 也不为梦想, 傻傻的工作!╮(╯3╰)╭ 而我呢, 起初还真的是傻傻不知道 自己要干嘛, 就尝试做厨师,做做下, 还蛮有兴趣, 然后就去了KDU读Culinary Arts。 我接触烹饪,短不短 长不长。。 已经都5年了,自己的chef knife 也跟随了5年, 从长磨到短了, 都还不舍得换 (有感情的嘛) 哈哈。。自己有个梦想, 就是自己开家餐厅, 做老板啦!! 很多亲戚都问我, 几时要开间餐厅, 登嘉楼做饮食业 还蛮不错的。。有没有打算开建?我们打本给你做。 我当时还真的傻了3秒 o.O 他们是开玩笑的呢, 还是说真的?开餐厅啊dailou, 不是街边摆档。。 几千块就9 dim。。要找适合的地方, 特别点的主题, 工人, 装修, 菜单,costing, 宣传。。 就像 黄小琥 唱的,没那么简单~ 可是就跟自己说, 没努力过, 怎么知道能不能? 对不? 所以啊。。 周德伟先生, 加油啦!!总有一天当老大!!paisei.. 是老板 XD 


Monday, 7 January 2013

About ME !

First time after 25 years, 8th January 2013, I had my own blog ! lol.. sounds funny.. but I think it's quite interesting when you growing older, day by day, month by month, year by year.. and ONE DAY when you open up your blog, and look back those things you wrote, you post.. MUST BE FUNNY !! hahaha.. Well, let's start my first step of the journey to the west.. INTRODUCE myself :) 

okie.. old school style, my name is Chew Teck Wai.. my family and cousins use to call me AH WEI, but not AH WAI.. I don't know why.. but anything.. just a 称呼, just don't call me WEI GE(伟哥)then okie liao.. hahahaha !! some people use to call my name, Teck Wai.. mostly malay friends, teachers, or those who just know me.. that's normal la right ? my name ma.. :X then here come the funny name PANJANG !! I don't know which part of me so panjang.. should be tinggi wert right? but calling tinggi.. sounds so weird.. LOL! okie lar.. can accept it.. then for those BANANA(I mean those chinese who don't know how to speak chinese) will call me tall man, translate from chinese 高人.. lucky they didn't follow those malay guy call me LONG MAN??? hahahahha...

phew.. just intro name already 132 words, quite easy to reach 10000 words lor if I'm doing exam. :X (talk rubbish nia many) hahaha.. I'm 25th this year, just past my 24th birthday last month 3rd of December 2012. So belum 25th lar.. 仔细的算是24岁1个月又5天吧?哈哈哈。。就是要年轻嘛 :X I come far away from Kuala Terengganu :) went there before ? if never then go there play play lar.. nice place to relax , the beach, the wind, the sea, and the environment ! you will love the little small city ! <3 

I'm a die heart Manchester United fans !! Glory Glory Manchester United (GGMU) :D forever MU !!! if you not MU fans.. sorry to say that .. I HATE YOU !!! hahahahahha.. joking lar.. gua ng si an neh eyh lang lar.. tibe2 talk hokkien pulak :X like this only funny mar.. come on lar.. Malaysian ma ! walau eyh.. 

Let's talk about FOOD ! omg.. I love food so much.. that's why I'm a CHEF ! haha.. cook cook then curi makan :X opps.. I just love cheese, chocolate and coffee so much ! fattening , but I'm so that slim.. jin jia si bo beng pek ! and I DON"T LIKE SPICY FOOD !! cause once I makan, I'll sweat like hell -.-'' so please.. wanna ajak me go makan, make sure there are something not spicy for me to makan.. if not I just sit there become 陪坐 :X

Anything else about me ? herm.. music is a part of my life.. besides SLEEP, EAT, PLAY and I love SINGING sosososososososo much ! anywhere, anytime, I can sing ! hahahha.. when want cheong k ? jom lar.. ! :D  

So, basically that's me. A simple person with a kind, friendly and a soften heart. You treat me good, don't worry, I'll treat you better !  but if you treat me bad, sorry to say that.. you are just a passengers who just pass by the Chew's world ! Learned to be happy, smile and always remember RUBBISH MUST THROW ! life must goes on ! :D good night peopless ~